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After nearly 40 years in business the much-beloved Black Rooster Pub on L Street poured its final drink. The Rooster lost its lease to the Peace Corps and for the past two weeks has been packing up and preparing to auction off its furnishings. Condemned inmates on Death Row await …

Brad Kanus presents … Fantasy Football Rant – Week 7 I hate professional basketball. I hate the fact that every year at this time a year our focus is blurred by this stupid league. I can not stand to see football coverage, both professional and collegiate, be interrupted to discuss …

DC Concierge: Worst Stairs in Bars in DC! 5.   Marvin – Luckily, usually the bouncer will help by shining a flashlight up/down the steps as you climb. … 4.  Solly’s Tavern – Narrow and old.  Bad combo! … 3.  Wonderland Ballroom – The level of drinking that goes on does …

DCSocialite: T3 Coming To A Metro Stop Near You We have only one question: where are the Hover Boards? It is 2009 people. We should have hover boards by now.

The First Marriage [Obama] Elected official [no way] What’s the deal [DC] Brother’s [keeper] Politico [local] FW [fabulous]

Um, ok, we admit it; we totally bit, meaning we read a press release we otherwise never would have read. Heinrich Taco Language Signed into Law by President Obama Unfortunately this release has nothing to do with tacos, burritos or any food for that matter.

You know, maybe Dan Synder IS just right for Washington, D.C. The lovable Skins owner is getting torn apart worse than his defensive line in the press this morning for kicking out "fans" who had the gall to bring unflattering — not to mention dangerous! — signs to FedEx Field …

NASA [funds ] Emily Miller [PD ] Sugar Daddy [Ken ]

Spend a few minutes getting to know a Member of Congress with one of the coolest staffs on Capitol Hill. Anne Schroeder Mullins: Rooney Would Wear Snuggie

Apparently, Hugo got a little jealous over our whole “nationalizing health care” debate here and took it up a notch by nationalizing a freakin’ Hilton hotel. [that’s hot] Perhaps he’s trying to find some additional revenue after oil profits plunged , or maybe it’s just a ploy to become Parish …

We hope the Redskins’ Chris Cooley has a speedy recovery. On the bright side, maybe he’ll have more time to hunt down wasps.

Sartorialistes [Project Beltway ] Deal Breaker [diamond ] Jay Z [U Mass Amherst ] Wale [what? ]

We’re not sure how this will play with Chicago Bears fans. Josh Gerstein: What if Bush had done that? White House spokesman Josh Earnest: “It’s not unlike the New Orleans Saints, who are getting lots of good coverage of their perfect record so far — certainly better coverage than the …