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From page 61 of "The Audacity To Win": "In what appeared to be an approximation of exercise, Governor Bill Richardson of New Mexico was shuffling -and that may be too kind of a word-along the motel sidewalk in a velour sweat suit…" We aren’t very good at research here at …

Painted [staircase] Port [Asheville] Cry [freedom] Fifa [fall]

Then you should check out Why You Care… In order to understand how the tug of war over money, power and land between Capitol Hill and Wall Street impacts your life you MUST understand the business pages. But, sometimes trying feels like you need a decoder ring. That’s where …

Virginia Campaign Crush on Craigslist I know you are way busy turning VA red – and that makes you even hotter by the way – but if you manage to get a few free minutes at like 2 am once the campaign work is done, I will totally come by …

Mary Bottari Juliana Brint Matthew Forke Missy Gibbons Eric Kuhn Kristie Muchnok Elizabeth Manresa Meagan McCanna Patrick O’Brien Ashley Prime

President Obama shuts down airspace in New Jersey to attend a fundraiser for Senator Corzine’s campaign. So the serfs on all the other flights get delayed several hours heading back into New Jersey. No big deal, right? Unless one of those stranded passengers is Morning Joe host Joe Scarborough (and …

This is the rehearsal for Thriller on H Street, a public performance of approximately 75 people performing Michael Jackson’s "Thriller" on H Street, NE the night before Halloween.

New York Times: A Senate Naysayer, Spoiling for Health Care Fight He tries to stop armadillos from tearing up his lawn. He pulls fat water moccasins from his pool. … “I kill them,” he said with relish, “by slicing their heads off with the sharp edge of a shovel.”

Ryan Grim: How The Blue Dogs Cost Pharma $14 Billion

POLITICO: Job Change Update Republican press secretary Pepper Pennington is moving on from the very funny Rep. Paul Broun (R-Ga.) to the now very-well-known Rep. Joe Wilson (R-S.C.). If anyone can handle Wilson, it’s Pennington, who learned from the master: longtime boss and former Rep. Tom Feeney (R-Fla.).

Eric Cantor launched the world’s first ever .gov blackberry application, Patrick Gavin beat Rep. McCotter at a game of crossword, Jeff Flake kept his shirt on, Tim Burger is a free agent, The Union Leader went back to 1987, and the White House danced, Boehner got a “1,990 Pages …

Doug teaches us all how to write one article that includes: the NFL, Dan Snyder, Rush Limbaugh, President Obama, President George W. Bush and Michael Vick. Doug Heye: Dan Snyder Unifies Redskins Fans in Misery–Rush Limbaugh Could Do Better

Glenn Thrush: Alan Grayson: Unavoidable for comment Upon reading a Grayson press release that says he will not be available for comment until Monday, Thrush replies: No Grayson until Monday? Shut down the servers.