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Kevin Johnson retired from basketball, serves as mayor of his hometown and is now engaged to D.C. Schools Chancellor Michelle Rhee. Roxanne Roberts and Amy Argetsinger: Michelle Rhee and Kevin Johnson get engaged

NewsBusters: Election Results So Bad Obama’s Senior Adviser Went On Fox News

Thanks to our gentleman tipster for the picture.

Too much free time [snake] Already in [the pool] GoFugYourself [bits] Vampire [Ginobli]

Jonathan Allen: Tea partiers hit Capitol

From page 152 of “The Audacity To Win”: “Standing in my boxers in a hotel hallway in the middle of the night with Kent Conrad, I suddenly experienced an overwhelming urge to get the hell out of New Hampshire.” What’s with the Obama campaign’s refusal to wear pants?

National Christmas Tree [lighting] Think of the environment [print] Bistrot du Coin [review] Real World [house] Political [recap]

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c Indecision 2009 – Reindecision 2008 And Beyond Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor Health Care Crisis

2 words: Campaign reunions. Christina Bellantoni: Rubbing It In? OFA’s Obama Feed Tweets About Election ’08

Randy Barrett: Jankowsky: Obama’s Double Standard The Obama administration is talking out of both sides of its mouth regarding special interests, writes longtime D.C. lobbyist Joel Jankowsky in a Wall Street Journal opinion piece Tuesday.

Daniel Carty (CBS): Michael Steele: GOP Has “Found Its Voice Again” “Now the bottom line is this, the drama of 23 was nice and cute and fun, [and] everybody made fun about how the party’s all fractured. The reality is now that we have a chance to get the seat …

What’s past is prologue. This is a recycled post from June 3, 2008 from a FamousDC contributor (and Obama supporter) that might be worth reading tonight for Republicans from red Virginia. 5 Rules of Engagement for Tonight (Must Read for Obama supporters)