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Amie Parnes: State Dinner: Ari Emanuel To Attend

If I had a million Twitter followers … Deadspin: Gilbert Arenas Makes a Mockery of Twitter Agent Zero refuses to start Twittering until he has a million followers. Uh, Gil, that’s not how you do it. Actually, you know what? Twitter’s stupid and everyone on it is stupid and this …

Sarah Palin’s book launched, New Moon hysteria took Washington by storm, Chris Gindlesperger is celebrating a birthday Saturday, the Washington Blade shut down, Wolf Blitzer watched Lebron James, Oprah announced that she’s ending her TV show, a double entendre can be taken two ways, Congressman Peter DeFazio ain’t on Treasury …

Abstinence [two years ] The Roots [930 Club ] The Gibson [stubby ] Spanking [Lebron ] Sarah Palin [style ] Wale [Honey ]

Oprah on Chicago: "Why Would Anybody Stay? It’s Freezing Here, And I Have A Mansion In Montecito That I Haven’t Been Able To Enjoy" [hometown lovin’] Mayor Daley is beside himself. The man is a total wreck. He’s blaming the "media" for her departure. PS: We know conservatives blame ACORN …

FamousDC welcomes Agent Zero back to the basketball blogosphere. Stet Sports Blog: Gilbert Arenas Tweets, Nick Young Tries Out for Jackass

Have a little Georgetown Vespa with your morning coffee.

Fall [in DC ] Tire [slashed ] PBR [and a shot ] Getting tweedy [random duck ]

From Page 120 of Going Rogue: "Some drunk guy walked in and announced, ‘Tony Knowles got jacked up!’" What’s even better is this apparently took place at a bar called Humpy’s.