Author Archive



As only The Onion can do. Zombie Reagan Raised From Grave To Lead GOP h/t Turk

This song will gain much more traction after it wins a Grammy.  [via Fired up Missouri] Wow: It gets better – way better.

Timely and threatening. Jake Tapper if tom friedman quotes that "we’re gonna need a bigger boat" line from Jaws one more time i will send the salahis to break into his house

It took watching this Chinese re-enactment in order for us to finally understand what the hell happened.  We had no idea Tiger drove a mini-van. [awesome] PS: We’re looking into whether or not they have a Mark Sanford re-enactment video.  Stay tuned.

Mic check [mad DC cabbie ] Wine [angels ] Click [period ]

Chris Berardini Brittany Cooper Jennifer Cooper Sara Diaz Brandon English Emily Leaman Kathie Legg Rebeccah Propp Nicole Sacco Reid Wilson

Anybody else reporting on the fact that Rachel Uchitel’s dog is named "Rudy Giuliani"? Well, now we are. Here’s a photo of the little guy for you. [the one on the left] "I spend my weekends at the beach with the two loves of my life—Ozzy Osbourne and Rudy Giuliani—my …

George Washington Basketball [Obama] funemployment [LadyBirdPink] Phil Collins [DMX]

Who has the most to gain/lose over the next 24 hours? Mike Huckabee and President Obama Reid Wilson: Monday’s Starting Lineup

Welcome back to the slow, odd work period that exists between Thanksgiving and Christmas. We hope you enjoyed the break and didn’t debate politics at the dinner table. Let’s review: Tiger Woods used the holiday break to work on his drive [fore] … The masses went shopping [black Friday] … …

Safe travels. We’ll see you after the holiday.

Sorry for the two week absence. I pulled a Rick Williams and was detained by African Authorities until they confirmed that I was not in fact Bob Saget. I did learn that banging an Olson twin isn’t a dream confined to the 57 states we call America. Let’s skip the …