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The Brits burned Washington, D.C. in 1814. Now the US Soccer team will get revenge in Group C of the World Cup. USA! USA! USA!

Washington Post Correction: A Nov. 26 article in the District edition of Local Living incorrectly said a Public Enemy song declared 9/11 a joke. The song refers to 911, the emergency phone number. h/t Mike Madden

This is something that doesn’t happen everyday: Chicago Breaking News: Baby born on flight from Midway to Salt Lake City h/t Ericka Andersen

The Tiger Woods transgressions took over the TV, Tai Shan is leaving Washington for China, Marc Mezvinsky and Chelsea Clinton are getting hitched, Washington DC is bracing for Breana Teubner’s visit next week, Daily Candy is leaving DC, Nerd Nite vs. Telecom Prom is coming, Oliver Stone gave up on …

Chris Cooley invites [via video invitation] Tiger to stay at his house and includes a list of things they could do together: "Drink some beers, put up Christmas lights (drunk), make some rap videos, because that’s popular right now and I think you would be good at that, because I’ve …

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Mrs. O: Pictures of the wonderful White House holiday decorations

Roxanne Roberts and Amy Argetsinger: Read this: Salahis, Jason Reitman, Willard Wigan

Texas [Governor ] Job Interview [attire ] High School [reunion ] Tiger Woods [outrun ]

David Almacy : Anyone else find it odd there’s nothing on re: today’s Jobs Summit? I did find a Thank You page UPDATE: The site now has the forum prominently displayed. UPDATE II: As of 12 PM, Job Summit video was prominently displayed on the front of, …

Pacquiao-Mayweather [on ] Al Qaeda [Afghanistan ] Hill homes [history ] DFMO [Real World ]