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This means he has the best A-game at the T-Coast intern happy hours. ABC News’ Rick Klein: Ross Ohlendorf: From Major League Pitcher to Unpaid Intern How sad for Pittsburgh. People are taking unpaid internships to get out.

How do you start your morning? Here are a few of our faves with today’s highlights: Chris Cillizza’s Morning Fix Polling shows Democrats losing health care PR fight Democrats are losing the public relations fight over the health care overhaul Mike Allen’s Politico Playbook TIME Person of the Year 2009 …

Hilarious pics. Unsuck DC Metro: Rider Hall of Shame: Your Move

Cloture Club: Ask Cloture Girl – December 13, 2009 Q: One of my friends got engaged after 7 months to someone he met on the Hill. Is this too soon? Do you recommend marrying “Hill people”? I’ve heard horror stories. –Worried in Georgetown See the answer here (2nd question)

State of the Alcohol Industry [thriving ] King Keebler [oddly enough ] Tucker Blair [Thrillist ] Crossover [AI ] Maryland [mad ]

The Fix: Why Joe Lieberman (still) rules the political world

This was recently posted on a GWU job listserv. We’re trying to figure out which media-savvy sports superstar is looking for a clipping service. Job: Media Monitoring Specialist … A high profile communications specialist is seeking a reliable, self-starter to work from home in a part time media monitoring position …

Reid Wilson: Tuesday’s Starting Lineup The DailyKos founder sent the DC press corps into spasms last night with 2 tweets signaling his dissatisfaction with health care legislation. "Insurance companies win. Time to kill this monstrosity coming out of the Senate," he wrote. Minutes later: "Bye bye, [Senate Maj. Leader Harry] …

Jake Tapper After meeting w/a clowder of "fat cats" (bank execs) yesterday, POTUS will try to "herd cats" (senators) on #hcr today

This would be a welcome break from the DC weather.

Tech and etiquette [blackberry ] Sartorial Sin [Diaz-Balart ] Not a setback [Test ] Swear word [Salahi ]

Do we really live in a city where the sight of a grown man squatting on the sidewalk with his pants down around his ankles is zero cause for concern? DCist: Google Street View Captures Public Defecation on H Street Related: Frozen Topics

Does Chris Cillizza have all of these retirement stories already teed up? Man, he’s fast. The Fix: Bart Gordon to Retire Tennessee Rep. Bart Gordon will not seek re-election in 2010, becoming the fourth Democrat sitting in a swing district to retire in the last several weeks. UPDATE : Josh …

Katie Boehret : Snuggies now come in zebra and leopard prints. There go your last two excuses not to get one…