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Zorn [out ] Photoshop [Metro ] Moonwalk [learn ] Double [Duncan ]

WaPo’s Michael Wilbon: Wizards should clean house after Arenas’s dispute with Crittenton

DCist: Paternalism Big in 2010 According to the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids, the $2.50 per pack excise is the eighth highest in the nation.

Welcome back. We hope you had a great holiday break and didn’t have to spend too much time un-tagging yourself in NYE pictures on Facebook. 2010 is here. Still no hoverboards .

DJ Earworm and FamousDC wish you happy 2010.

Donuts and bacon [Change ] The Roots [click click ]

Gambling and guns in the Bullets’ Wizards’ locker room. AP: Report: Arenas, Crittenton pull guns on each other H/T – the Fix

There is no sense wasting time sending around greetings of world peace and happiness. Let’s fight over college football! The Hill’s Jordan Fabian: Washington heavyweights join fans in demanding a college playoff The issue gained ground in Washington a year ago when Obama lent his voice to sports fans around …

Helena Andrews Elliot Berke Gary Coby Jordan Culberson Jordan Lieberman David Paul Kuhn Tommy McFly Caitrin Reed Meredith Shiner Nikki Vora

As 2009 comes to an end, we want to take this opportunity to thank you. Thank you for reading, sending tips and for playing along. It was a great 2009 and here’s to a prosperous 2010 for all of us. Stay classy.

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