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Bart Barnes: J.D. Salinger, author of ‘Catcher in the Rye,’ dies

The Hill’s Bob Cusack: After Obama rips lobbyists, K St. insiders get private briefings A day after bashing lobbyists, President Barack Obama’s administration has invited K Street insiders to join private briefings on a range of topics addressed in Wednesday’s State of the Union.

…Where you wish you could take something back? Chris Matthews may be color blind [Real Clear Politics] /what if this guy said the same thing?

We guarantee the geniuses behind the Harris Teeter parking lot on Capitol Hill will not attend this.

Chris Good: Congressional Republicans Own YouTube

Go drink with some campaign ad guys tonight and put it all on their tab. They just hit pay dirt. The Fix: Supreme Court overturns corporate campaign spending ban

Today the Twitterosphere stands still. Hi, FamousDC. Capitol Lounge (CapLounge) is now following your tweets on Twitter.

At least the entire country wasn’t watching …

The Republicans are playing chess and the Democrats are in the nurse’s office because, once again, they glued their balls to their thighs. – Jon Stewart The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c Mass Backwards Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor Health Care Crisis …

Paging Angie Goff … The Capital Beltway is the #3 worst commute in America. Daily Beast: America’s 75 Worst Commutes #3, Capital Beltway, surrounds Washington, DC … Weekly hours of bottleneck congestion: 194 … Worst bottleneck: Southbound, Exit 2A-B … Length of worst bottleneck: 1.26 mi … Weekly hours of …

Drive the morning Drive the afternoon Drive the after-party Politico sent Kiki Ryan on location to Las Vegas night club Pure. Not a bad gig.