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Deadspin’s Dashiell Bennett: Wizards Tickets Less Valuable Than a Cup of Coffee

Hey, there is a new messaging platform thingy out there called Twitter. Are you following us? Come on in, the water’s fine. Follow FamousDC on Twitter –>

Strange light [Project Beltway] Maryland fans [riot] Towers [exposed] Squirrels [gone] Dimes [metro]

Deadspin’s Tommy Craggs: Marvin Miller Remembers The Pre-Crazy Jim Bunning, Labor Revolutionary

Washington City Paper’s Amanda Hess: The Fred Phelps Counter-Protest in Photos

With friends like these … WaPo’s David S. Broder: The fable of Emanuel the Great RELATED: Inside the Mind and Inbox of Rahm Emanuel

Deadspin’s Barry Petchesky: Beat Writer Continues Nationals Coverage, Sans Newspaper Just because the Washington Times fired their entire sports section, Mark Zuckerman isn’t going to stop doing his job. For someone to cover the Nationals voluntarily, I’m not sure it’s going too far to call him a modern day Jesus.

h/t 1 -Ben Smith h/t 2 -Jim Geraghty h/t 3 – Rick Wilson

Politico’s Erika Lovley: Jason Chaffetz: Ax Hill staff tax cheats

Sarah Called It [Ocho Cinco] Girlofwords [filet-o-fish] Feeling Good [spring] Gilbert [freaking out] Condos [no more]

DCist’s W. Jacarl Melton: Jay-Z To Make Appearance at Chinatown AT&T Store For those of you who enjoy a good celebrity sighting outside of the ranking member of some Senate subcommittee, you might want to venture down to Chinatown this afternoon. We’re told Jay-Z will be stopping the flagship AT&T …

Eastern Motors will do your taxes for free. Seriously. At Eastern Motors … My Blog’s My Credit

The Atlantic: Gay Marriage Clears Final Hurdle In the District Of Columbia At midnight tonight, same-sex marriage will be legal in the District of Columbia.

Take backs? [Georgetown basketball] Cheating boyfriend [blackberry] 30 million [USA hockey] Desiree Rogers [record] Enjoyed lunch [Ris] Letter [heady]