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Greatest 1BR Craigslist ad ever? Craigslist: $770 1 Bedroom in a 6Br, 3 story Bro Palace- America (Mt. Pleasant)

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Howard Kurtz: Roethlisberger, Massa, Ensign, Woods: Sex, power and sports

Do you have plans Saturday? Would you and a friend like to attend Shamrock Fest at RFK and hang in the Club VIP tent with free beer all day? You have 48 hours to win these tickets. The contest: Print out the FamousDC logo and upload a picture of it …

Deadspin previews the upcoming Nationals baseball season. Will Leitch: Washington Nationals: Go Natinals!

15 minutes can be a long time. UPDATE: We liked this when we saw it the first time here.

Crossroads with Jan Crawford: White House Vs. Supreme Court: It’s Getting Ridiculous But once again, the White House has to try to get the last word. Last night, Gibbs struck back at Roberts. … “What is troubling is that this decision opened the floodgates for corporations and special interests to …

It was all fun and games until a hill staffer puts a bounty on the head of a gun lobbyist … BDayspring: Placing a $500 bounty on the head of @goody37 for tonight’s game. RELATED: Not Your Normal Hockey Game [Lawmakers vs. Lobbyists] RELATED: Flickr photoset from last night’s hockey …

The Daily Caller has a new political blog out: Eye Street First Post: Welcome to Eye Street … By Mike Riggs   03/10/10 at 1:05 PM … Dear Internet: Welcome to The Daily Caller’s newest blog. Named “Eye Street” for our location (1720 I St.) and for our ambitions (to …

We wanted to give a quick shout-out to friends of FamousDC kicking it down in Miami: Mark Pfeifle, James Davis, Chris Brooks and Fargo, ND radio/Internet host Scott Hennen. They’re down there to present as finalists in the We PitchIt! Changemakers contest in Miami. The winner gets  $25K for a …

The infamous “Demon Sheep” ad got us a bit intrigued about the races out there on the West Coast, and we happened to stumble upon a few other internet offerings that might be worth checking out…both focused on examining the candidates for Governor Level The Playing Field 2010, a union …

Jason Wu [Smithsonian] Eclipse [Trailer tease] Nothing but net [KJ] Pigs [lobbying] Gridiron [hot]