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Corey Owens [Facebook] Golden Girls [scale] Creative [cocktail] Remarkable [women]

Amy Argetsinger: Marion Barry says he can’t talk about the Marion Barry Show, starring Marion Barry. Three Marion Barry mentions in one Twitter alert? This could be a new world record. “The Twitter machine set me up!”

Nikki Schwab and Tara Palmeri: Beck’s blackboard living in Norquist’s closet “We haven’t gotten to the technology where we can use the chalkboard yet,” ATR Communications Director John Kartch told Yeas & Nays. “We’re not advanced enough for that yet.”

Blowing a draft pick [Toby or not Toby] Democrats fund raising [healthcare] C-SPAN [dissed] Biden [haikus] NRCC [cash]

High-Five SXSWi 2010 – High-Five Montage Tribute from Henry Balanon on Vimeo.

Brother’s At War [Emily’s Post] New Suit [new job] Single [weekend] Tourist [style]

We hear … A TV mic picked up Vice President Biden saying to President Obama, “This is a big f***ing deal.” UPDATE: FishbowlDC’s Betsy Rothstein: V.P. Drops F-Bomb . Salon’s Alex Koppelman: Yes, Joe Biden, a very big %&*!ing deal You gotta hand it to Biden: you have a huge …

Between Two Ferns with Zach Galifianakis: Ben Stiller from Between Two Ferns

Jamie Shufflebarger: Ex-Blazer Dudley Launches First Ad Ex-Portland Trail Blazers center Chris Dudley (R) released the first TV ad of the open OR GOV race today, a 30-second spot airing statewide that highlights Dudley’s outsider image. Shaq was unavailable for comment.

Hotline’s Reid Wilson: The Health Care Outliers The higher the percentage of seniors, the more likely members took heat for their votes in favor. … But members didn’t always follow the political logic. Here are the 10 Dems in districts with the highest percentage of uninsured constituents who voted against …

Are political web videos the new black?

CQ – Roll Call’s Ali McSherry has another edition of office space out. This time she’s visiting with Congressman Bruce Braley (D-Iowa)

First Ladies [Project Beltway] Suspicious Package [Friday] Overheard [DCist] Math [exposed]