Author Archive



“I’m committed to playing Donnie at QB for at least a quarter and a half in our first preseason game against the Buffalo Bills at FedEx Field.”

UPDATE: Obama needs to watch the Kenny Powers training video before next year’s Opening Day

DC 68 [riot] Peeps [risen] Melissa [Ford] Tabard Inn [brunch]

Hillicon Valley’s Kim Hart: Google, Facebook prepare for political ad bonanza in midterm elections

We hope you … had a good Easter, enjoyed the Cherry Blossoms, watched Rick Klein and Jake Tapper live-tweeting This Week, caught WALE opening up the season for DC United, and didn’t have to take the Metro over the weekend. Congratulations are in order for Ed Patru and Katie Strand. …

Do you know when you’re organizing your fantasy football league and you’re one person short, and then someone in your league says they have a friend at work who wants to join, and then he takes Donovan McNabb in the first round and drafts three RBs with his next three …

If you haven’t already seen it, check out  Three volunteers are spending a week in solitary to give viewers a window into the experience leading up to the premiere of Explorer: Solitary Confinement on April 11.  Watch live feeds from the cells, read tweets from the volunteers and join …

Tucker Carlson vs. Michael Steele heated up, Michael Calderone got a new gig, sadly – there is not a “Catch Phrase for Dummies” on the market, Erik Brown is excited this week is over, David All was born on both Good Friday and Friday the 13th, House lawmakers aren’t into …

The Atlantic: Why the RNC Won’t Can Michael Steele

Politico: Barney Frank rips staffer-turned-lobbyist

Michael Blake Adam Conner Sean Davis Christine Delargy Dawn Dodge Chris Gindlesperger Kevin Hechtkopf Tim Neill Anna Palmer Michelle Gloden Schoenfeld

Wednesday morning = FamousDC warns the world about Guam tipping over Wednesday afternoon = Fark sounds the Drew Curtis alarm Thursday = CBS News signals the masses Aren’t the Internets fun?

Welcome Farkers [Drew Curtis for President]