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Celebrate Emancipation Day! DCist: D.C. Bars May Stay Open 1 Hour Later on Thursday

For this gem: CQ Politics: He’s a Bolar, Shot Caller: Rep. Steve Scalise’s (R-La.) spokesman, Luke Bolar, has left Capitol Hill to join the re-election campaign of Sen. David Vitter (R-La.).

How can you not like this guy? MarkKnoller: The closed DNC fund-raiser is at the home of Gloria and Emilio Estefan. Turn the beat around. Congratulations to Mr. Knoller on his much deserved recognition. Watch CBS News Videos Online

Yeah, this is how we’re rolling into Thursday.

That’s ice cold. Hotline On Call’s Reid Wilson and Stephanie Palla : Palin Spends More De-Icing Planes Than For Candidates

The Hill’s Jordan Fabian Congressman Anthony Weiner: ‘I follow Twitter for the Tea Party and just show up to f*** with them’ Jesus offered no comment:

The AMI said the current system “provides a disincentive for the clean-shaven to enjoy the mustached American lifestyle.”

The snow is gone, the sun is out, and the Nationals are playing baseball. It is a good time of the year to be in Washington. Inquiring minds want to know … Matt Lira, why is it good to be you?

What would we DO, baby, without us? And there ain’t no nothing we can’t love each other thruu-hoo! What would we do baby…  Without us? Sha la la laaaa. The Hill’s Molly Hooper: Reps. Steve King and Michele Bachmann to share press staffer Side note: this has to be the …

This headline does not make you think about football [beast] Metro delays this weekend [PoP] Recession [heels] DMV [party]

Ars Technica’s Nate Anderson: Library of Congress: We’re archiving every tweet ever made Get ready for fame, tweeters of the world: the Library of Congress is archiving for posterity every public tweet made since the service went live back in 2006. Every. Single. Tweet. So in the future you may …

We love tourists visiting our nation’s capital. We really do. We just love the lists of rules and guidelines created by local Washingtonians for our DC visitors even more. Notion’s Capital: Welcome Tourists (2010) why.i.hate.dc: Shut up to the right (2009) FamousDC: Rules for Washington Tourists (2008) Plight of the …

Thank you, Mr. Catanese. POLITICO’s David Catanese: Republican websites pledge allegiance to flag Wouldn’t it be weird if a politician portrayed the same idea via visual messaging over and over and over?