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DC Blogs noted this first and we were equally intrigued. The Foggy Dew: A trip to the market

Goals for Good will be an annual event held to raise money for the Alzheimer’s Association right here in Washington, DC. Each year, the fight against Alzheimer’s disease becomes more critical. Every 70 seconds, a new individual is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. The Alzheimer’s Association is committed to finding a cure …

Paying gig [hockey] Star [and shamrock] Hell [frozen] Cheap [pizza]

NY Times Magazine:  Mike Allen, the Man the White House Wakes Up To Political insiderdom — or the illusion thereof — has moved from Georgetown salons or cordoned-off security zones to a mass e-mail list administrated by a never-married 45-year-old grind known as Mikey. Congratulations to Mr. Allen and the …

We hear … A NY based news source is preparing a FOIA request of the entire SEC related to potential SEC – White House – DNC collusion. Stay tuned. RELATED: Full time line

Tuesday, April 20 Things are heating up. Daily Finance: Goldman Sachs Earnings Double to $3.5 Billion as Firm Faces SEC Suit Embattled Goldman Sachs (GS) said Tuesday that thanks to its trading and investing prowess, its first-quarter profit doubled to $3.5 billion, easily beating analysts’ expectations. Matt Drudge is still …

Still Pond is running the Huffington Post. Huff Post Hill Blanche Lincoln is bogarting the spotlight with the derivatives bill she’s rolling out tomorrow. Mitch McConnell thinks Wall Street reform is totally skunked, but is considering one more toke. The D.C. voting rights bill is completely cashed. Oh, and Kumar …

Be sure to tell Lindsey Mask happy birthday today.

Please tell us that Congressman Eric Massa’s chosen picture for the Congressional Art Contest is not a portrait of a handsome young man. You can’t make this up. In case you need a reminder: [lewd] A male aide to former Democratic Rep. Eric Massa has filed a sexual harassment complaint …

We sometimes forget to slow down and soak in the city we all get to live and play in. Luckily for all of us, Mr. Jim Billimoria took that break and captured some amazing shots. Please let us know if you have DC photography to share with the FamousDC community.

Washingtonian Photo Contest [vote Swift] Buddha Bar [danger] C-A-P-S [win] Twilit [tulip]

We can’t get enough of this story so we are going to post an update each morning of the latest developments. We will continue to update the full time line. Monday, April 19 Don’t call it a comeback. Politico: Spitzer: Goldman suit no coincidence “This was not a coincidence,” asserted …

Former Washington Times columnist Christian Bourge is launching a new Web site: The Disenchanted Journo: News and ruminations on politics, policy and the good life…… Here is the email Mr. Bourge sent out earlier today: Greetings and salutations: I wanted to let everyone know about my new endeavor and update …

David Catanese: FL-SEN: Orlando-based Station Confirms Cancellation

Today … Someone is starting a job and wore his best suit. Someone is getting up the nerve to tell the boss they need a raise. Someone is hungover from Sunday- funday. Someone ran three miles before work this morning. Someone worked all weekend. Someone spilled coffee on their tie. …