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Our time line got several thousand extra views last week – with a few new readers visiting FamousDC from NYC. We believe you should always keep a good thing going. We’ll continue to update the time line as the story develops. Please let us know if you see anything interesting …

What an exciting week! The SEC doubled down against Goldman, Patrick O’Connor welcomed Sam O’Connor to the world, Shira Toeplitz and Kim Hart are joining POLITICO, God’s quarterback is heading to Denver, Ali McSherry has visited 40+ restaurants this year, went platinum, Marco Rubio was endorsed by a broom, …

The new Congressional Baseball Game website is live h/t – RST RELATED: Congressional Baseball Game Changer

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Friday, April 23 It has been exactly one week since the SEC filed charges against Goldman Sachs. And now this is what we’re talking about: WaPo’s Ed O’Keefe: SEC porn investigation nets dozens Dallas Lawrence peaks behind the curtain Forbes: Obama Fights Goldman With Social Media For a peak behind …

The ongoing lesson in how to produce good web videos continues… It’s all about the Irish Whiskey…

We sometimes forget to slow down and soak in the city we all get to live and play in. Luckily for all of us, Mr. Jeff Urbanchuk took that break and captured some amazing shots. Please let us know if you have DC photography to share with the FamousDC community.

This has nothing to do with DC, but we know one household that won’t enjoy this bit of news. Yahoo! Sports: Drew Brees lands on the cover of Madden ’11

Your time is limited [unpopped collar] One Night Stand [anatomy] Wiener dog [shrine] $13,000 [desk] Bridal [shower]

eTrueSports Pittsburgh, PA – Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger announced today that during his six-game NFL suspension he would be joining a local area Girl Scout troop and going door-to-door selling cookies. “I am not doing this to repair my image,” said Big Ben. “I’ve just always believed in Scouting, and …

Read this and you’ll have a good day.

Wednesday, April 21 CNBC’s Steve Liesman and Jeff Cox explore the SEC’s case against Goldman CNBC: Testimony Could Undercut SEC Charge Against Goldman The testimony of a former Paulson & Co official could undercut the Securities and Exchange Commission’s fraud case against Goldman Sachs, CNBC has learned. Former SEC Chairman …

FamousDC fave Shira Toeplitz is packing up her bags at Roll Call (and throwing away her Big Ben poster) to head over to Politico. We’re told her must-read campaign hire update emails will continue at her new gig. We just hope she can still nail headlines like she did at …