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POLITICO’s Erika Lovley: Green vending machines on the Hill A fleet of 35 climate-friendly vending machines will be unveiled tomorrow throughout House, Senate and Capitol Visitors Center buildings with the help of House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-MD), according to the Chief Administrative Officer Dan Beard.

Dueling Web Videos DNC RNC h/t Mike Allen’s Playbook RELATED: Full time line

This will make you smile. h/t Shira Toeplitz

Is C-SPAN 3 R-rated? Does Senator Levin need some of this?

Monopoly game [gone wrong] Donovan McNabb [Redskin] Twilight [CQ – Roll Call] Baby’s first [cubicle] Examiner [disses] Metro [signage]

From the front page of today’s The Hill: Emily Goodin: Party-crasher crackdown for this weekend’s correspondents’ gala

Does Tweeting count as lobbying? WaPo’s Cecilia Kang: Undercover persuasion by tech industry lobbyists Why pay for a golf trip, dinner or full-page ad when you can tweet for free?

POLITICO’s Erika Lovley: Finding Hill day care not child’s play Congressional staffers compare getting child care on Capitol Hill to landing season tickets to the Redskins: nice idea, never going to happen. With two waiting lists a total of 345 families long, admission delays at both the Senate Employees Child …

Stressed and broke [DC] Life is hectic [take pics] Paper towels [Obama] PostSecret [Sunday]