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Ed Markey: “BP is now known as British Petroleum. If this leak is not shut off soon, it will become known as ‘bayou polluter’ and they will be known that way forever.”

And we thought the gentleman from North Carolina would get Senatized.

We hope you have a good day, but this post will not make you feel any better about your job. WSJ: FarmVille Maker Valued at $4 Billion

More great work from Katie Harbath. Got great DC photos? Send ’em our way.

Want to win a The Fix t-shirt? Who doesn’t? Go play the the Fix’s Primary prediction contest! Here’s the email from Mr. Cillizza: Voters are voting in Ohio, Indiana and North Carolina! And, as always when actual ballots are being cast, we hold a primary prediction contest — allowing Fixistas …

The world is upside down [Jeopardy] Save Ron Burgundy [Facebook] Carrying a grudge [hugs] Loud talker [iMetro]

Meet Shira Toeplitz. She writes Shop Talk for CQ – Roll Call and heads over to POLITICO in a few weeks. As she’s preparing for the move, Shira spared a few minutes for a FamousDC Famous 5. 1. Today is actually your birthday, what is the best b-day gift you’ve …

Happy Tuesday morning. Spit your game. Also, was Gabourey Sidibe nice to anyone in DC?

Too soon MSNBC, too soon. h/t Leslie Bradshaw

Meet Chris Cillizza: the basketball playing, rap dancing, trivia night organizing, obsessive political reporter for the Washington Post. Mr. Fix spent a few minutes between deadlines and dinner parties to answer five questions for one of our FamousDC Famous 5 interviews. Famous Five Questions: Chris Cillizza 1. You just launched …

… or at Least Try for a Good Cause Here’s your chance at Major League Baseball glory…kinda. Horton’s Kids, a favorite charity of current and former Hill staffers, is holding its annual Home Runs for Horton’s Kids at Nationals Park on May 12th. Attendees will get to bat on field …

Wedding day [congrats!] Got heart [give hope] Prom time [Jonas] Mobb Deep [DC]

Doug Heye: “I’m known as the Johnny Drama of Capitol Hill.” Adrian Grenier: “Oh, I’m so sorry.”