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…and then used this to record the conversation. Spotted on Eric Cantor’s blog.

While we think he’ll strike out at least 9 of the Top 10 tonight on Letterman, we wanted to create our own top 10 list. As the newly crowned “King of DC Sports,” here are the top 10 list of things that Strasburg will “strike out” in DC. 10. McNabb’s mom’s …

Hover Boards [finally here!] Fragers [everything] World Cup [guide]

Am I on the air? Political Profanity: Obama Among Presidents Who Swear

We live for the intersection of sports and politics. U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A! Deadspin’s Barry Petchesky : US/England Trash Talk Reaches Highest Echelons Of Government

So, some folks have been giving us a little heat for posting our beer pong story. But that is all about to change, sports fans. Yesterday morning, Cleveland morning news anchors chatted about the Vietor and Favreau excursion, gave us our props, and discussed how fun it must be being …

Boy, that escalated quickly… I mean, that really got out of hand fast. Washington Post: Hey isn’t that…: Desirée Rogers, Tommy Vietor, Jon Favreau, Ty Burrell Tommy Vietor and Jon Favreau shirtless at Old Glory on Sunday. The White House spokesman and the chief speechwriter appeared to be playing beer …

Great Moments [Washington DC history] Free Lobster Buffett [Cloture Club] Cy Young Renamed [Strasburg] Colt 45 [works every time] Big smiles [big faces] Hush [supper club] Sleep Talking [man]

Move over Lebron. Gannett’s Mike Lopresti: Stephen Strasburg’s dazzling debut as good as it gets With the baseball universe looking over his shoulder, and enough hype to make a Super Bowl jealous, he made one mistake in 94 pitches. He struck out the last seven batters he faced, the final two …

Strasburg! Strasburg! Strasburg!Strasburg!Strasburg!Strasburg!Strasburg!Strasburg!Strasburg!Strasburg! … and on the 8th day … he pitched. We hope you enjoy the game tonight.

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Titanic + Avatar = Oil Spill, Planet Earth is warming – the bedroom …  not  so much, not telling the truth about your military experience is sweeping the nation, when in doubt – blame the Olympics, Sally Albright has been firing off some great FB updates, we just need some …

The most under-paid weatherman ever [rapper] Sometimes it’s okay to grab a stick and start swinging [oil spill] Colt 45 [Works Every Time]