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Could this be the greatest reception in the history of Congress?

Yawn: Meet the “Real Housewives of DC.” “Real”, as in real boring… WaPo’s Reliable Source has the latest (photos) We’ve got a modeling agency owner, a socialite mom, an expat, a real estate agent and, well, Michaele Salahi. We’ve written about them only a kajillion times over the past year as …

Veteran Hill flak Chris “Curious George” Paulitz is on a mission: to find out who the crazy kids behind FamousDC are (h/t Man in the Yellow Hat). He launched his campaign today via Facebook, with some really interesting guesses. First, Chris, we’re flattered you care enough to know more about …

Keepin’ it real [DC interns] America [wonkette] Seersucker [social]

Chris Cooley is getting ready for the season by eating everything in his cabinet. Deadspin’s Barry Petchesky shows us the yummy goodness. Meanwhile, it has been two years and Tanner Cooley still hasn’t answered his Famous 5 questions.

We’re all lucky enough to live in Washington, D.C. – the place people from all over the world call their “home away from home.” This international DC community was on display this weekend in Dupont Circle as thousands gathered to watch the World Cup games. FamousDC’s sports correspondent Mark emailed …

Most Awesome Website Ever [Strasburg] World Cup [Dupont Circle] FamousDC [Facebook] Conan [rocks DC]

Dear Friends, Last week FamousDC became famous. Like Drudge famous. Like now Nancy O’Dell is following us on Twitter famous. Like maybe if we weren’t anonymous, we would make one of those fancy Capitol File lists famous. As our readers know, this change in status came about after we posted …

Blimey, England. You really caught us by surprise this weekend. We kind of thought with all the money and attention professional soccer gets here in the U.S., we’d have blown you away. I mean, we love soccer here. We think about it all the time. It’s part of our national …

TRI Ep. 37: Elections, Laffer Curve & MTV from The Winston Group on Vimeo.

During a press conference This video doesn’t show the accident, but is still worth watching your Congress at work.

There’s no doubt that we have some pretty loyal tipsters here at FamousDC.  We also have some tipsters that might consider less time in mom’s basement and more time in the sunshine. Enter, “Bart.”  Bart sends us strange emails all the time.  While it’s rare that we ever post Bart’s …