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Meet Rick Klein. He Tweets from the hospital room when his child is born and covers politics and hosts Top Line for ABC News. In addition to that, Mr. Klein was recently promoted to Senior Washington News Editor for ABC “World News.” Rick was kind enough to spend a few …

Keith Koffler [FishbowlDC] Grandma [Dates Hotties] Tweeting [execution] New Media [Palin]

Chris Paulitz continues his quest and gets support from Late Night Shots … Chris Paulitz today releases my more serious “Top 5 Famous DC Who The Hell Writes that Stuff Guesses”: 1. Longworth Cafeteria’s “Little” Doris 2. Jimmy the Elevator Guy 3. Officer Garland “Jaywalking” Thompson 4. Sam the Taylor …

Yes, U.S. Soccer player Clint Dempsey, the pride of Nacogdoches, is also a rapper. Have a good week.

Ron Artest and the Lakers are World Champions, Dale Peterson is the new Sarah Palin, the East Coast-West Coast rapper wars in the 90s have finally trickled down into the 2010 AL AG Commish race,  Media > Congress, out of work Louis Vuittons protested, USA SOCCER WAS ROBBED, top DC …

He’s got a good point … Thaddeus McCotter U.S. Soccer team got robbed out of winning goal by the referee! “Open hand diplomacy” clearly not working in World Cup. 

We don’t know why we’re posting this – everyone is watching US World Cup soccer. UPDATE: 2- 0!?! Can we invade? UPDATE 2: Donovan! Sweetest goal of the World Cup! UPDATE 3: They’re handing out yellow cards like what. UPDATE 4: Goooooooooooooooooooooooal! USA! USA! USA! UPDATE 5: We were robbed!

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To Do List [HillisHome] Slumdog [Olympics] Don’t do this [Metro] How to Be [Popular] World Cup [Goals]

It was a humid Wednesday evening in Glover Park as Members of Congress battled the press corps in an ultimate, winner-take-all, softball showdown. The House Leadership, led by Speaker Pelosi, Majority Leader Hoyer and Minority Whip Cantor, joined Supreme Court Justice Sotomayor to root for the Congressional team. John King, …

We bet a little yelling yesterday led to this nugget in Playbook today. CORRECTION: We ran an item yesterday about convos between the White House and the Senate about July’s schedule. The item was poorly worded, and was interpreted as suggesting the administration had given the Senate a deadline or …

Free Hume [Colbert] Suiting [Tutorial] Strange [Love] Chris [Paulitz] Schok [shirt]