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AP: Work of Deceased Hip-Hop Icon Deemed “Culturally Significant” by National Recording Registry At this time, Cynthia McKinney has no comment.

“Believe in good in the world” Advancing [World Cup] American [hero] Donovan [2012]

Could you ask for a more dramatic finish!? is still available. We’re hopping on the bandwagon early.

Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Twitter So Twitter Isn’t The Death Of Journalism In Fact, It Might Be A Help By: Amy Walter This was supposed to be a column about how much I detested Twitter. How it’s responsible for the death of …

Ted’s Bulletin [Washingtonian] CSPAN [Foursquare] Gladiator [hell]

Amazing. The oil spill would stretch from Richmond, through D.C., Baltimore and almost up to NYC.

Not going anywhere for a while? Who thought this was a good idea? [consultant resigns] Marc Ambinder has the highlights. The Atlantic: The Rolling Stone Article’s Juiciest Bits Who’s he going to dinner with?” I ask one of his aides. “Some French minister,” the aide tells me. “It’s f***ing gay.” UPDATE: Marc Ambinder …

The Atlantic’s Steven E. Schier: Why Has Obama’s Approval Held Steady Despite the Oil Spill? A recent batch of polls reveal that President Obama’s job approval has remained steady over the last two months despite his presiding over the biggest environmental catastrophe in our nation’s history.  Why might that be?

H/T – DCist’s Kriston Capps

Marc Ambinder: Rumors of Rahm’s Departure Beware the soothsayers who know the exact day and hour when the trumpets shall sound and Rahm Emanuel, the White House chief of staff, will announce his resignation. This also gives us an opportunity to link back to this FamousDC classic post: Inside the …