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We tried to stay on the sidelines, but we can’t. FamousDC presents … Separated at Birth: Elena Kagan & Debbie Downer We would normally stop here, but we’ve had too much coffee this morning. FamousDC presents … The Top 10 List of Things Going Through Elena Kagan’s Head During Her …

In addition to Mayor Fenty killing two lanes of traffic on Pennsylvania Avenue to create 8 hours of gridlock per day to appease the 12 bikers and Segways that use the bike lanes, Metro is now hiking fares. It is cheaper (and likely safer) to drive inside-the-beltway. Washingtonian’s Rodger Nayak: …

FamousDC lives for the intersection of sports and politics. And Jonathan Martin lands those stories on the front page of POLITICO. JoMa: The politics of college football Oil is still gushing into the Gulf of Mexico, the economy is wheezing along at 10 percent unemployment and the longest war in …

We didn’t have enough to get past Ghana, but the USA had a great showing this World Cup. Posted yesterday by Landon Donovan on his Facebook page: I’m really proud of our team, really proud of our fans, and really proud of our country. Thank you all for the support …

Don’t hate the player [hate the game] What a tangled web we weave [DC] England [media] Iced [reporter]

FishbowlDC has been refereeing the madness of Dave Weigel’s exit from the Washington Post and the end of JournoList. FamousDC’s silence on the topic has led a few people to wonder if Mr. Weigel should be on Chris Paulitz’s list. So, we’re jumping in. FamousDC presents … Separated at Birth: …

Photo by: Christopher Gindlesperger, aka NotNotGindy It is hot in Washington, D.C. Damn hot. Even the occasional breeze is on strike and not showing up. Do you know what goes well with sweltering heat? American Flag Apparel. The 4th of July tourists are ironing their favorite red, white, and blue …

Bara Tunde is nerdy DC Famous, Rick Klein admitted that Ana Marie Cox could take him in arm-wrestling, McChrystal spent some time with Rolling Stone, don’t call me Liz!, it’s good to be the @HuffPostHill intern, hello John Wall, Abramoff delivers in 30 minutes or less, Go USA, we love …

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We, for one, welcome our new Wildcat point guard overlord. WaPo’s Michael Lee: Washington Wizards select John Wall in NBA draft In a dramatic, franchise-altering shift, the Washington Wizards have gone from “Pick 1” to the No. 1 pick, moving away from the misery of a horrific campaign into the …

Think about it. You’ve just gotten out of prison. Hollywood made a crappy movie about you. You have a restaurant hobby. You’re Jewish. You need a job to help make ends meet. But so many jobs are closed off to you (craps dealer, fedora manufacturer, talking to people on behalf of other people, etc.).  Your …

World Cup Celebrations [Deadspin] Urban Couch Crashing [etiquette] Penn Ave Bike Lanes [of death] C-SPAN [geo-social] World Cup [fever]