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So … Grijalva is proposing English and Spanish should walk ten paces, turn, and then shoot? If so, sign FamousDC on as a co-sponsor. This’ll be awesome. From: e-Dear Colleague Sent: Wednesday, June 30, 2010 12:58 PM Subject: CivilRights, Education, FamilyIssues: Dear Colleague: Support Duel Language Education Support Duel Language …

No amount of peyote could make this entertaining. Remember web friends: Ponies are compelling . President Taft is not.

This press release showed up in our inbox: First-Ever Wedding at Titanic Museum Attraction in Tennessee KNOXVILLE, Tennessee – June 28, 2010 – The new Titanic Museum Attraction in Pigeon Forge, Tenn. had its first-ever wedding last Friday morning when Casey Hollon and Kevin Foster, both of Savannah, Ga., tied …

No California, there is no Santa Claus. Just ask your gubernatorial candidate and current attorney general Jerry Brown. Yesterday, on an extended interview with CNBC’s Jane Wells, Jerry dashed the hopes and dreams of however many children happened to be tuning in to the all business channel when he proudly …

Jamie Carlstrom Heather Grace Elliot Maura Judkis Erika Masonhall Tara Palmeri Megan Powell Brian Robert Staudt Stephen Strasburg Lauren Tyler Gina Veneziano

This is getting ridiculous. Dear Senate, We need to talk. We were embarrassed to post about Twilight on FamousDC, but then again, we run a blog. And even though the blog is supposed to be funny, we still felt guilty jumping into this vampire vs. werewolf madness. You on the …

Loyal FamousDC tipster, JS, passed this along: In the past few months, two websites: livingsocial and groupon have taken the DC region by storm. Offering discounted entertainment in the metro region. From restaurants to gokarting, these deals are real and are essential for any staff-ass scraping by on $25k. One …

Here is our post about the new Twilight movie. Nikki Finke: Twi-Hards Crowd Into ‘Eclipse’ Theaters In U.S., Canadian, Overseas Theaters; Biggest Ever Domestic Theatrical Release For the record, FamousDC is Team Jacob.

Photo by: Christopher Gindlesperger, aka NotNotGindy Happy Wednesday! We hope you enjoy the incredible DC weather today.

Andrew Breitbart wants access to what he’s calling “a portal into the dark world of hardcore liberal bias in the media.” The price for an E-Ticket? $100,000. Mr. B. is offering plenty of scratch (and source protection) to any Journolist member willing to provide the listserv’s full archive and membership …

Our friends over at What’s the Deal are giving away free Ketel One Vodka this Thursday at Old Glory. Now, the last time we posted about Old Glory we caused a little bit of ruckus, so we’re treading carefully this time around. Cruise on over to What’s the Deal and …

Remember when the Democratic National Committee and the White House pitched a fit after two top communications aides were caught whooping it up in Georgetown and a Member of Congress got physical with student camera operator? Remember how they were all complainy about guerrilla tactics and privacy and all that? …

FamousDC would like to thank all of our readers–and the good people at Fark, The Washington Post, NBC and The Drudge Report–for making June our highest-traffic month to date. Thank you all for stopping by and keeping it classy with FamousDC.