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Mediaite’s Glynnis MacNicol: Paranoid Alvin Greene Would Like Denzel To Play Him In The Movies And in the great Washington tradition of mixing politics with Hollywood Greene also revealed that in the movie about his life he’d like to be portrayed by Denzel Washington. I think where Alvin Greene is …

New York Times (Green Blog): Spill Commission Hires Science Adviser Mr. Sears lives in Houston and describes his current position as “consultant/gamechanger” at LeadingEnergyNow, a consulting firm in the energy industry.

Rev. Jesse Jackson: Cavaliers owner sees LeBron James as a ‘runaway slave’ RELATED: Every owner needs a good editor. Take Dan Gilbert, majority owner of the Cleveland Cavaliers.

John Kerry launched a fashion movement, the @Twitter #DC  gov’t liaison job is still available, 50 Cent still hasn’t been invited to the White House, despicable, Alvin Greene action figures are this year’s Tickle Me Elmo, Chad Pergram business time, a year older and none the wiser, awkward, accidentally check …

FamousDC Nightlife Correspondent @BlairDC brings us the Famous 5: Best Afternoon Hill Hang Out Spots It’s Friday. It’s sunny out. And you are able to take off early from work. What to do? Here’s my top five venues for a chill but celebratory end-of-the-week afternoon…and some honorable mentions since we …

Judging by the hatorade sent our way by interns and Congressional staff alike, it appears our “Day in the Life“ post really hit a nerve. Too close to home, folks? We won’t post the messages, but we’ll give you the gist: “you guys are tools”; “if you ever took off …

**FamousDC the interview [FishbowlDC]

In what looks to be THE defining endorsement, 2 Live Crew has endorsed Kagan for Supreme Court This has FamousDC written all over it. We created our own 2 Live Crew playlist of songs to endorse Elena Kagan: Apple Bottom Robes, Gavels with the Fur Shake It, Shake It Real …

Get crazy [Hey, Love] Picture This [shadow] LiveItLuvIt [OMG] DC [buildings]

Recess. It’s a busy time back in the district. But in THE District, it’s about as slow as Doris counting the pennies the latest tourist decided to use to pay for their buffalo wrap. Back home, the boss is kissing babies (and goodness knows who else) while office work productivity …

The world is watching … ESPN will host a one-hour special tonight to reveal where King James will land. Sarah Palin releases her new presidential campaign video on the same day. Coincidence? We just bought

Hat Tip – Arch City Chronicle

What’s the word [Thunderbird] Lying your way to fame [Levi] Huffington Post [Kicks] No demise [Biden]

We hope you’re enjoying recess. Photo by: Christopher Gindlesperger, aka NotNotGindy