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Roll Call has the former Hill & Politico reporter – and current Bloomberg News reporter – front and center on

NOT THE ONION: John McCain tweets to Snooki and later President Obama says he doesn’t know her … during an interview with The View. Steven Jessop: Snooki-Gate? Obama Tells The View “He Has No Idea” Who Snooki Is, After Joking About Her At White House Correspondents Dinner

Which POLITICO person? [pourmecoffee] Jim Bunning > [Stephen Strasburg] figgity phat [Dave Catanese] Dez Bryant [busted]

It is so damn hot outside. And we’re only in July. h/t Deadspin

Our friends over at Hugh and Crye are having a party this Saturday in Georgetown to officially launch their clothing line. So, if you don’t have plans for Saturday night, cruise on over and support a D.C. entrepreneur, Pranav Vora, at Shirts & Giggles. Buy a shirt, have a Peroni, …

Kevin Durant is stopping by Capitol Hill tomorrow and we’re wishing him all the best. Seriously. If he slips on some Congressional testimony and misses the season, don’t blame us. We love injury-prone Texas Longhorn basketball superstars. Here’s the Dear Colleague circulating Capitol Hill: Join NBA Star Kevin Durant and …

Where is DCeiver? [Most Beautiful] GOP 06 [Democrats 10]

NY Post’s “Page Six Palmeri” takes her morning coffee Famous. We hope Tara continues to keep her coffee classy in the Big Apple. C-SPAN, Page Six … where will the next FamousDC mug show up? PREVIOUS: Extreme Famous Morning Coffee

Strasburg didn’t pitch last night and thousands of fans were disappointed. And then today The Hill’s 50 Most Beautiful People is released. Peaks and valleys, man. Peaks and valleys. Yes, the only power list in Washington that puts staff assistants ahead of Members of Congress and Chiefs of Staff is …

And we still don’t have hoverboards

Page Six: Frank causes scene demanding discount

Rihanna and Eminmen [Alyssa Rosenberg] Turn the damn power on [Fenty] Loyalty Pays [Pete Snyder] Tokyo Police Club [BYT]

Are we still on for coffee Mr. Thomas? Mashable: Inside the Mind of One of the Web’s Hottest Designers [INTERVIEW] So ambitious …