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Scott’s New Band is back at the Clarendon Grill this Saturday, Sean Spicer went poaching, fall might have fallen on DC, is there a pot of gold at the end of this rainbow?, The good news? Your wife was not kidnapped. The bad news? She was cheating on you, Frates gets a new addy, Dem budget room catches fire and floods, famous staircases, the fantasy football rant is back, Strasburg dresses like Papa Smurf, Richard Cunningham is a clever tweeter, Happy Birthday Jordan Stoick, ShopHouse — Chipotle’s New Asian Spin-Off Opens In D.C., tell Morgan Gress happy birthday tomorrow!, one House office building is ditching the energy efficient light bulbs, support the Make it Rain Act, if you post more than three photos of yourself a week on Facebook – it’s time to cool it, Glen Rice has ridiculous deep range, it’s about time Mike Lurie got a shout out, tell Scott MacFarlane happy birthday on Sunday, congrats to Adam Becker and Alissa Marglin who are getting all married up this weekend, the toothbrush said “Anthony,” Post Secret’s Frank Warren spent a few minutes with The Washingtonian, pull the trigger Reid – we’re ready to party, and Vlad Putin is a real life James Bond.