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It’s free Slurpee day folks.

Congratulations 7-Eleven, you have officially been crushing it for 84 years.

In honor of one of our favorite sugary addictions, let’s reminisce on five of our favorite food holidays that help increase our blood pressure and make our pants tighter.

Cow Appreciation Day

Show your otters and Chick-Fil-A will give you a free meal. Do it for the waffle fries.

Earth Day

And you thought you were eco-friendly that time you shacked at a fraternity house with your sorority sister and carpooled home together. Starbucks gives you a free cup of coffee or tea if you bring a reusable mug.

National Donut Day

The first Friday of June, Krispy Kreme gives away free glazed treats. Sweet.

National Pancake Day

IHOP declares this a national holiday when they cook too many short stacks.

Free Cone Day

Ben and Jerry’s launched their “scoop of happiness” app that takes you towards to the nearest ice cream location- and as far away from the gym as possible. I recommend bringing outfit changes, so when you’re done with one cone- change outfits so the earth-friendly scary cashier doesn’t recognize you- and get back inline. This is quite possibly the next best day to Thanksgiving or Christmas.

And who ever said there’s no such thing as a free lunch?