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The [righty] blogosphere is not happy that President-elect Obama bought his wife a gift that turns out not to even exist.  Granted, the invisible gift of non-existence would’ve cost more than most Americans spend on a car, but it’s none of our business how Obama chooses to stimulate the economy.

According to Politico workhorse Ben Smith, the story that about Obama buying his wife Michelle a $30K ring as a “thank you” gift, is just not true.

The communications for Obama’s transition, Dan Pfeiffer, flatly denied a Daily Mail report that Obama is buying an exotic $30,000 ring to thank his wife “for her support during the election.”  [no bling, bling]

We do offer President-elect Obama a little advice in case he does look to spend $30,000 in the next few months; advice that might just settle the stomachs of conservatives.

The best way to spend $30,000 and keep conservatives happy

750 Plush Elephant dolls @ $39.99 a piece.

1500 Rush Limbaugh t-shirts @ $19.95 a piece.

13,333 Chicago style hot dogs @ $2.25 a piece.

6,666 Peanut Butter Heaven smoothies from the East Bank Athletic club @ $4.50 a piece.

200 puppies from Hope Rescues Animal Shelter @ $150 a puppy. [unclear as to whether the puppies are Republicans]

The options are limitless.