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Below is an email buzzing around the Senate office buildings re; tv outages and channel changes.  For those Senate staffers playing at home, yes, this is the 11th notice you’ve received.

According to a FDC tipster, they’ve changed all of the television channels so many times,  “I barely watch TV anymore because it’s too hard to find the channel you want!”

CSPAN, still a great option when you’re looking to nap.

Email from Larry Brown [not the coach] below:

Subject: FW: Notification – Senate Cable TV Outage (Update #11)
For those of you who are keeping up with these daily changes…

From: Larry Brown
Sent: Wednesday, August 27, 2008 9:55 AM
Subject: Notification – Senate Cable TV Outage (Update #11)

Update #11:

Unless there is an unforseen emergency, there will be no change in the Senate Channel line up for the week of August 25, 2008.  The attached line up is correct and not expected to change.

This weekend, staff will be coming in to perform additional work to bring more channels on line.  We expect to issue a finalized channel line up on Tuesday, September 2.
