9/7 Friday Round Up: Welcome to the Lodestar state

Awesome events: Can you imagine having the BEST gelato the world has to offer? Imagine no more!; Missing Jazz in the Garden? The Rosslyn Jazz Festival can fill that little void for you; Atlas Brew Works is turning five and celebrating the way any five year old could ever dream of – with a carnival party; And just on the other side of town, Adams Morgan is throwing itself a party in honor of Adams Morgan Day and its 40th year; MIXTAPE is hitting the stop button on their epic dance parties and this weekend is your last chance to jam; The DC Shorts Film Festival is underway bringing you one of the largest collections of films in the USA – we highly recommend checking out the screening of “Painted City” which explores the history of Washington, D.C.’s community murals.
Wells Fargo
From restoring the National Mall, to supporting the D.C. Central Kitchen’s anti-poverty work in Wards 7 and 8, Wells Fargo is committed to neighborhoods in the District, giving $1.68 million to local nonprofits and causes in 2017 alone.
#Watch By NJI Media
What’s harder: Climbing the ranks of Capitol Hill or a SoulCycle class? Our very own Amos Snead and Jaime Harrison take us from the bottom of the Hill to the top in their new book Climbing Capitol Hill – now on pre-sale!
Famous Five – Climbing The Hill Co-authors, Amos Snead and Jaime Harrison
Wait… a Republican and a Democrat not only worked together, but WROTE A WHOLE BOOK TOGETHER? We sat down with #ClimbingTheHill co-authors Amos Snead and Jaime Harrison to learn what it takes to excel on #CapitolHill – especially when you're on opposite sides of the aisle.
Pre-order your copy of #ClimbingCapitolHill here: https://amzn.to/2LToZBj
Posted by FamousDC on Wednesday, September 5, 2018
Airport security bins carry more germs than the toilets. Excuse us while we go throw up; Muriel Bowser has added “Mom” to her list of jobs; There are audiobook people, and actual-book people, but what’s better?; Move over helicopter mom. The lawnmower parent is moving through; The Washington Mystics are making major WNBA moves!; Thinking of how to spend your fall? Here are some ideas (via Washingtonian); Miss DC is polishing her crown ahead of the big leagues this month
While we can’t promise you an impeccable wi-fi connection, an aced exam, or love at first sip, we can promise a few coffeeshop options that promise great coffee, trendy atmospheres, and a whole lot of buzz around the District |
: Nicolas J Leclercq
We’ll stop promoting this shirt when people stop buying pumpkin beer before October.
Congratulations are in order for James Hewitt and Cara Read who married this past weekend in Freeport, Maine; Looking forward to being invited to the new pad of Casey and Sarah Phillips; Emily Spain loves a good victory beer; John Boehner has a great voice; Jack Smith realizes that a win is a win, even if it’s ugly; Who will be at the Waynewood BBQ cookout tomorrow in Alexandria, VA rooting on the Gorge Washington team?; Ieva M. Augstums is right, they grow up too fast; Shane Harris digs Applebee’s; We’re convinced Howard Mortman and Jeremy Art don’t sleep much; Elon Musk is living his best life; Hannah Mooney shout out for being awesome; Mark Knoller is always ready with his sleeves rolled up; You’re a boss, Caroline Wiles; HUGE congratulations to FloorCharts on your book launch! Check it out on Kickstarter; Aaron Fobes is giving us serious travel envy; When is Will Allison coming back to DC?; Elaina Plott shared the story of when she got shot in Alabama; We salute you, Danielle Decker Jones; Did you tell Gindy happy birthday?; Watching old Oprah while listening to Whitney Houston is definitely normal, Kidd O’Shea; But what did Alex Moe rate that Uber driver?; Tori Kelly just announced tour dates and DC is one of her stops; We’re flossing for Audrey Henson’s mom; Victoria Langton’s hair…… IS A GIRL!! Congrats Victoria on your pink new do.
#MakingMoves by S-3 Public Affairs
Juana Summers is making moves from CNN to the AP team—there she will focus on Democratic politics; Madhulika Sikka was named executive producer by The Washington Post for a new flagship podcast. We cannot wait to listen! She most recently worked as Public Editor for PBS; Yesterday, National Beer Wholesalers announced Lauren Kane as Vice President of Communications. Cheers!; Phillip Klein is moving up at the Washington Examiner. He was named as executive editor and previously worked as managing editor; CNN welcomes Arlette Saenz from ABC News as a political reporter; Also, CNN announced Lauren Fox’s new role as CNN reporter covering Congress and Federal agencies. Congrats ladies!; Jacqueline Alemany is starting up the #PowerUp newsletter at the Washington Post. She previously worked at CBS News for the past 6 years; Morgan Gress is making a big moves—after 5 years on the leadership team for UNION by 1776, she is heading over to Brunswick Group as an Account Director this coming Monday. Big congrats to you Morgan; Congratulations Kayla Elias who joins the Arabia Foundation as communications manager! Kayla makes the jump from Stratacomm and brings with her years of experience in communications and government relations #DoBigThingsDC
Famous birthday wishes to Will Smith, Kalyn Cassanova Stephens, Dan Ronayne, Cory Brown, Elizabeth Golding (hey Garrett!), Brendan Kownacki, Richard Cullen, Kelly Schwartz, Jen Stewart, Michael Moroney, Meghan Vadala, Sara Bonjean, Hadley Gamble, Corinne Hoare, Matt Mika and Jon Downs!
Bye summer. Feel free to take the humidity with you on your way out.