Erin McPike and Marsha Catron have quite the resumés individually, and together, they’re taking DC by storm. Today they launched Swann Street Strategies – a communications firm comprising 27 collective years of Washington-based experience in media and government and adding one critical detail: girl power.
Where’d the name Swann Street Strategies come from?
We both lived a block away from Swann Street, one of DC’s most beautiful streets. Swann Street was always the meeting point — whether it was meeting at the doggie day care where both our dogs go to play, our fave bar Rebellion, or to meet up with others. Plus, swans are fierce.
Photo: The Travels of Kevin
This is 2018 – tell us about your firm in 280 characters or less.
Prime Time Prep 
Who is your dream client?
The 2028 LA Olympics, and we have our eye on a future president!
Favorite political figure of all time? (Yes, Leslie Knope counts)
Erin named her dog after Ben Franklin and her first cat after Theodore Roosevelt (and some others like that in between). She may get around to Michelle Obama one day. // Marsha cannot pick favorites, but it is reported that she has a framed picture of Barack Obama on her nightstand.
What’s your favorite spot(s) in DC?
Any place with wine. That includes walks in Rock Creek Park.
Bonus! Ask yourselves a question and answer it.
Marsha asks Erin: Graeter’s ice cream or Aglamesis? Erin says: Oprah is wrong on this one — it’s Aglamesis. // Erin asks Marsha: Red or green chile? Marsha says: Green!