Home»News»11 Female Journalists to Follow on Twitter

11 Female Journalists to Follow on Twitter

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UPDATE: We added an 11th!

Popular opinion shows that girls run the world – popular opinions being Beyonce and every female ever. Ask anyone and whoever disagrees just didn’t hear the question.

Since social media is real life, we can only assume this also applies to Twitter, a place where women can freely express their humble opinions without fear of criticisms and scrutiny. LOL JK.

In the spirit of running the universe and consequently, the Twitterverse, here are 10 women journalists we think you should follow – because after all, we all know women are better with directions anyways.


Brianna Keilar – CNN

Her crown, obvs.


Laura Barron-Lopez – HuffPost (Formerly)

Same, Laura. Same.


Kate Nocera – BuzzFeed

She’s pro-organ donation.


Jackie Kucinich – The Daily Beast

She knows her left from her right.


Megan Wilson – The Hill

She stops things before they get out of hand.


Alexandra Petri – Washington Post

She’s way ahead of technology.


Shawna Thomas – Vice News

A happy office environment is key.


Anna Palmer – POLITICO

This chick has the scoop.


Nikki Schwab – Daily Mail

It’s about appreciating the little things.


Marin Cogan – New York Magazine

No Marin, it’s not.

Joanna Piacenza – Morning Consult

Smart as they come. A rising star.

Have a fave female? Nominate her at tips@famousdc.com