Famous in Philly: Meet the DNC’s Biggest VIP

You might think – like many Americans – that the biggest VIP in Philadelphia this week is Hillary Clinton, or President Barack Obama, or one of the many top ranking elected officials attending the Democratic National Convention. You might think that, but if you do, we’re here to blow your mind.
12-year-old Jane Grey Battle traveled all the way from Birmingham, Alabama with her mother, Brooke Tanner Battle, to attend her first-ever national convention. FamousDC was on the ground to watch Jane Grey’s entourage quickly assemble, starting with the Democratic Whip to the United States Congress, Steny Hoyer. Congressman Hoyer stepped away from a busy reception sponsored by Morning Consult and S-3 Public Affairs to speak with Jane Grey about her excitement for the DNC, her interest in politics and her hopes for the Convention. It was clear from the outset that Congressman Hoyer was impressed by Jane Grey’s astute political wit, and he was excited to tell her about his very first national convention years ago.
At a time when partisan politics often dominates our news feeds and news cycles, FamousDC is grateful to Congressman Hoyer for personally taking time to demonstrate the fundamental value of human interactions to politics. For encouraging a younger generation to pay attention, work hard and get involved, we thank the Congressman for both his time and his willingness to help shape a future generation of bright leaders.
Needless to say, we’re ready to hit the campaign trail for Jane Grey Battle, just as soon as she’s old enough to run for office.