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Last night at the Democratic National Convention, boos and heckles filled the arena. Disgruntled Bernie supporters shouted over Al Franken, Cory Booker, Elizabeth Warren, and even Sanders himself. The jeering made it difficult to listen to what anyone had to say, and also made the arena a negative, stifling place.

But when Michelle Obama walked onto that stage and began to speak, the arena went silent. The first lady gave the best speech of the convention, and it was only night one. It was poignant, emotional, and human. Michelle managed to take down Donald Trump without saying his name. Instead of insulting or bashing anyone, she took the high road, and it was so, so refreshing. In her own words, “When someone is cruel or acts like a bully, our motto is, ‘When they go low, we go high!’”

Regardless of what side of the political spectrum you fall on, it is impossible to deny that her speech exuded class and positivity in this confusing, scary, and often negative election season. Don’t we all need a little more of that from everyone?

Even though Michelle was speaking in support of Hillary Clinton, she gave us (and all of Twitter) a different idea… that maybe Michelle should take the reigns. Check out the transcript of her speech here