We know, we know… it’s hot and it’s not slowing down any time soon.
Ok first of all, quit wearing your suit jacket or sweater during the ride/walk/bike ride to work . We don’t care how nice it looks. You’ll show up to work looking sweatier than a college football player during afternoon practice and your coworkers can do without the smell. Throw your accessories, heels, or an extra shirt (for you guys out there) in your bag because the metro probably won’t have great air conditioning and even if it does, you’re going to wait a long time to get to it. You can also ride to work in shorts and a t-shirt, and then change in the bathroom once you’re in the safety (read: privacy) of an air-conditioned Capitol Hill bathroom.
Sitting on plastic seats creates a swampy effect you-know-where. Yeah, ew, this is D.C. – not the Louisiana bayou. We know you’re probably sitting all day at work, so if you’re able to stand on the bus or metro, it’s the better choice. Definitely stand if you’re wearing light colors that easily become see-through (honestly, you shouldn’t be wearing anything see-through in the first place). No one likes to see imprints in khakis, trust us. Don’t give other commuters a free look at your floral underwear and don’t leave a small swimming pool for the next person who wants to sit down – that’s what public pools are for.
Blotting papers are key in taking away that summer shine – the only glisten on your face should come from a new Sephora highlighter. Any drugstore should have a selection of blotting papers and we also have a sneaky tip for you that even news personalities use (even the guys): toilet seat covers (NOT used). The material is similar to that of blotting pads, but the covers don’t wipe off as much makeup. Yes, even your local dude meteorologist wears makeup on screen.
Pick out sweat-proof sunscreen, makeup, and deodorant this summer. Sweat-proof sunscreens will keep that awful sunglass tan away during happy hour and rooftop Sunday brunch in Georgetown. Some sweat-proof makeups also come with an SPF, so be on the lookout for those too. Lastly, stay away from gel deodorant since those tend to get runny easily. You don’t want to drip on anyone during an office meeting or on an oil painting in the Smithsonian.
In shocking news: order a hot coffee or tea over a cold one. Seems weird right? This might be counterintuitive but the receptors on your tongue signal to your body when drinking a hot beverage. Your body’s cooling mechanisms kick into high gear, making you feel less hot than if you have a cold drink. We’re still a little skeptical of this fact though, and will keep ordering frozen margaritas after work like Snooki. Follow this tip at your own risk.