Friday Round Up

Weather: Washingtonians are tough! We survived the mountains of snow and the monsoons that rained down for three weeks. After all that, it is finally paying off with that sweet smell of summer giving us temps in the 80’s and sunshine all weekend!
Awesome events you can attend this weekend: Grab tickets to the Nats game and pregame at the bullpen; Check out the “Washed Ashore: Art to Save the Sea” exhibit at the zoo; DC’s favorite Jazz in the Garden is hitting the National Gallery of Art in the Sculpture Garden; Be festive and hang on the West Lawn of the Capitol for the Memorial Day Concert.
Let’s be honest – DC could use some funny people.
Geoff Embler is just that. He’s a public affairs professional by day and aspiring comedian by night. You can catch him telling jokes at comedy clubs around town, in the shower, or in front of his mirror.
We chatted with him at the DC Improv comedy club. We wanted to know just what it takes to be funny, so we asked the guy who can literally make people L-O-L.
Chechnya’s leader Ramzan Kadyrov really wants his cat back; I, for one, welcome our robot lawyers (h/t Howard Mortman); 1500 water balloons + 1 trampoline; There’s no true love on Game of Thrones… until now; Sweetgreen just banned bacon and Sriracha and we’re not sure how to feel about it; Kid parks Trump Lamborghini outside the White House; Radiohead plays Creep for the first time in almost a decade; Will someone start a petition to get Obama to bring these $6 noodles back to our offices?; If you didn’t already love Charles Barkley, now there’s no excuse; That’s a lot of beer; This kid has all of us beat.
It was Zoo Day on the Hill this week [insert your jokes here]; The District knows how to do Memorial Day Weekend right; Walking to Virginia would be faster than this; The city of potholes; It’s crab season!
10 Wineries Just Outside The District
Sun’s Out Everyone’s Out
Political Smackdown
Fashionably Famous: The Savvy Intern
Do You Have What It Takes To Be A VP?
Just Keep Swimming
Famous Congratulations: Elaina Plott
Make America travel again.
A slogan so simple, yet so appealing. No one gets it better than U.S. Travel Association – they promote this ideal everyday and with summer right around the corner, we need no further convincing.
Jonathan Grella is the Executive Vice President of Public Affairs for U.S. Travel and if you think that’s a mouthful, you should hear what he has to say in this interview.
Editor’s note: Contrary to what you might see, no individuals were harmed during the making of this video. We can’t, however, speak for the audio guy’s reputation.
Famous birthday wishes to Nick Uehlecke, Elizabeth Jennings, Brandon Weight, Danny Kadishson, Andrew Powaleny, Rory Cooper, Nick Culp, Erin Gray, Jesse Safir, Maddie Temoyan, Megan Soule, Brandon Devine, Paige Burton, Zac Lomas, Elizabeth Lawrence, Max Elliott, Alex LaMonte, Rebecca Siegel, Dave Domino, Guthrie Hatton-Bullock, Mark Geraci.
“Be careful metro riders. Safety doesn’t start till June 4.”
Congrats to Rich Counts on starting your MBA at Northwestern University this summer; Ask Mark Drapeau how you can activate the swag; Saat Alety is crushing it even more as Communications Director and Legislative Assistant for Rep. Royce; Happy seventh anniversary Josh and Robin Shultz!; Sam Morgante is a man about town; We’re glad Lisa and Nathan Mills made it to Abu Dhabi; Pete Haviland-Eduah, we get it, you’re having fun in Asia; Kenny Ames rocks; Happy two-year anniversary Brian Werner & Lori Brown!; Jeremy Art took the Nats Park panorama of the year; What’s Chase Clanahan up to?; Happy two year anniversary Mitch and Janelle Hervig Relfe; Chicago looks good on Christopher Gindlesperger; Morgan Gress is a good cook; Ask James Walsh if he’s photoshop ready; If you need to watch DVD quality NCIS episodes, ask Lizzie Dillon; Frank Hollowell is the king of selfies; Paul Mandelson biked a long time in the rain this week; Ben Jenkins will drink 120º coffee even when it’s 80º outside; Ask Mary Stewart Bell about her new living quarters; Sean Bonyun is a man of his word, and that word is Hazzah!; Ieva Augstums’s Instagram is making us super jealous this week; Macey Sevick’s commute just got a whole lot healthier; We’re still laughing about Miguel Marrero’s Instagram’s from a Chinese bathroom; Give Sean Hayes a high five and a beer + shot of whiskey next time you see him; Jake Heller, your emails make it really hard to get work done!; Sam Nathews has a spirit animal and it’s Cousin Eddy; Josh Shultz looks hot in a cowboy hat; We already miss Chris Brooks; Look out D.C., Austin Becker is on his way; We’re looking for you, Joseph Poduslo and Jeff Lockard; Have fun at the beach Kelly Kelley and Michael Kelley; Palmetto Bluff, are you ready for the arrival of the Imperiale and Shultz families?; Elliot Berke, we miss Cato too; Andrew Shore is feeling very confident about his recent acquisition of overalls; Kathryn Lehman isn’t feeling so confident about Andrew Shore’s recent acquisition of overalls; Tyler Roberts has been swiping the wrong direction this whole time; We remember a time when Matty Haase used to respond to emails; Kate Bennett got the scoop everyone wanted; Kristen S. Anderson thinks JT’s new summer song underwhelms; Ethan Dunkle just can’t stay away; Thanks for the hospitality, Eric Wohlschlegel; Have fun in the car, Marie Formica; Is Paige Gress watching me type this?; We hope Geoff Embler gets some LOLs tonight.
Caitlin Conant is headed to CBS News to run communications for its D.C. bureau and “Face the Nation;” Ruth Marcus is moving on up at the Washington Post and has been named deputy editorial page director; The Washington Post is launching “Global Opinions” and “adding contributing columnists and fresh voices from major regions across the world. Anne Applebaum will run the initiative in Europe; Josh Rogin is also joining the Post to “anchor a heavily-reported opinion blog focusing on diplomacy and foreign affairs;” Sean Connor is leaving Senator Tim Scott’s office where he has served as Press Secretary to head to New York where he’ll be working for Uber; Stu Rothenberg is joining the Washington Post writing his column on Power Post; Emily Cahn joined Mic as their newest political senior writer; Julie Triolo has joined King Digital Entertainment as the Head of Global Business Marketing; Jessica Curtis has moved from Fox News Radio to GOPAC as Executive Director; Reporter Heather Caygle has joined the Politico Congress Team; Congratulations on your journalism career, Jake Sherman.
Gone to the beach.