Snow Over It
If you have children, you might be noticing a trend in their relationship with snow.
Day 1 is all fun and games. They’re yanking on your arm, begging you to go out and play with them in the snow. You’re exhausted. You might be hungover. But their little cherubic faces are just too sweet to deny. Snow is the most exciting thing that has happened to them in their short little lives.
Day 2 is a little less enthusiastic. They run out to play in the morning but are tuckered out quickly. It’s cold. They’re legs are sore from climbing the hill. They’re wet. The novelty is beginning to wear off. They’re ready to kick back on the couch and watch a little Frozen.
Day 3 is a whole new ballgame. The outdoors just became more terrifying than the monster that lives under their bed and more dreaded than the green colored “food” you make them eat at dinner. They won’t go near the front door. They start wailing if you walk towards them with a winter coat. The snow is officially the enemy.
We asked you all to send us photos of your kids (and pets) who are totally over the snow. The results were amazing.
Wills was just informed that he’d be going out to play in the snow… again. He was less than thrilled.

“I can’t move in these clothes. I give up.” -Brooke

“If I can’t eat it, what’s the point?” -Hammy

“You call this FUN?! This is worse than teething!” -Sumner

Despite Dad’s best efforts, little Camden is NOT buying into this whole sledding thing.


“Will I ever see green grass or chase rabbits again?” -Scout

“I’ll be good I swear. Just don’t make me go back outside.” -Rex


“I don’t know what I did to deserve this.” -Lola

“I can’t remember what it’s like to be warm.” -Henry

“Is it over yet?” -Emery

“Please. PLEASE let me back inside.” -Hammy

Do you have a photo of your child looking miserable in the snow? Send it to