Interns are a unique breed in the human world. They’re at the bottom of the food chain, yet are crucial to its everyday functioning. They graduated with honors and are some of the brightest young minds in the industry, yet their hardest task of the day might be juggling 16 different Chipotle lunch orders while dodging traffic on Pennsylvania Avenue (Who do you think dresses up in our Panda suit every week?). Their workday is similar to a gauntlet in which they are a gladiator forced to tame ravenous lions or else be eaten alive, and yet they compete to the death against other interns to hold these positions. They are young. They are brave. They are interns.
Here at FamousDC, intern life is nowhere near as treacherous as some of the others out there.* Nonetheless, we have all been an intern at one point (some of us more than once) and we know the crucial role that they fill in our daily professional lives. As such, we are launching the DC Intern Hall of Fame– an opportunity for all you head honchos and boss ladies to nominate your intern to be recognized for all their hard work.
*I was not paid to say this statement, and have done so at my own free will
Here are some photo’s we’ve dug up from the intern archives of real life interns
Show your rockstar intern some love by nominating them for the DC Intern Hall of Fame! All you need to do is to email your submission to
Please include:
- Name of Intern
- Company/ Boss
- Age
- Hometown
- Responsibilities
- Something interesting about them
- Why you are nominating them