Tommy McFly hosts The Tommy Show on 947 FRESH FM! He’s also newly appearing on WUSA9.
At a press lunch in Bethesda in two thousand seven, maybe eight I crossed paths for the first time with Bob Madigan. He and I had so little, yet so much in common. That day I was drafted as “The Man About Town‘s” little brother. Over the years Bob has been an incredible friend, sage advisor, sounding board and ego checker on the regular.
For someone who was technically a competitor we was always courteous on the media battlefield and the first to offer a vodka on the rocks when the red carpet was over.
Even though he’s off the radio dial and gone to a better place — a picturesque home in Maine that when it’s not snowed in has a gorgeous view of the water and a hammock — we still talk several times a week in some electronic form.
Advice he’s dished out over the years included being true to myself, trusting my gut and haters gonna hate hate hate hate. – Tommy McFly on Bob Madigan
Advice he’s dished out over the years included being true to myself, trusting my gut and haters gonna hate hate hate hate. Maybe that was Taylor Swift or Aaron Schock – anyway, Bob’s giving spirit and friendly nature have left a unique mark on my life.
It’s an honor in my new role with WUSA9 get to deliver the same type of good news he did for so many year. With Bob’s blessing look for “Tommy Around Town” segments very soon. Gotta pitch? Hit me up. Always be looking for the next story… That’s just one of the many things Bob Madigan taught me.