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Meet Paul Van Remortel. He’s the Senior Product Manager at Intermarkets, a Washington area-based digital media firm. This week, Paul and his team launched StandUnited.org, the first open and free petition platform that allows individuals and organizations to engage and mobilize supporters on center-right issues.

1. What is StandUnited.org?

StandUnited.org is an innovative political advocacy website in which anyone can start a petition in order to mobilize likeminded individuals and drum up support for a particular issue.

This platform is designed for individuals or organizations who share center-right viewpoints on important issues such as health care, energy, education and taxes, among many others. Individuals can create a petition for free.

2. How did this idea come about?

Websites like Change.org and Care2 have experienced tremendous success and demonstrate that there is a high demand among voters and political activists for online petitions. While those sites serve ideas on the left, we saw a need to give the other side of the political spectrum the opportunity to have their voices heard. We created StandUnited to give the center-right a platform.

3. How will StandUnited affect the current political landscape?

With the combination of cutting-edge digital technology and a large audience of highly-engaged activists, StandUnited is poised to redefine how the petition process can empower citizens, voters, taxpayers, small businesses and other like-minded activists to speak with a unified voice.

4. Who should check out StandUnited.org?

We welcome all viewpoints on a given issue. But anyone who is passionate about free enterprise, fiscal responsibility, and limited government should definitely check us out.

StandUnited also hosts sponsored petitions for advocacy organizations seeking to sign up supporters for their issues and causes. Organizations create petitions on legislative or policy issues, and potential supporters are recruited to sign the petitions via web publishers, email and social media.

5. Does StandUnited.org engage lawmakers?

When a cause gins up support in large numbers, lawmakers and decision makers can’t help but notice. Our website features direct, real-time message delivery to federal and state legislators; anyone who signs a petition to Congress will have their message relayed to their Congressional delegation.