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Party like the #PandaCam is on.


Guess who’s back? Steve Feldgus; Brian Diffell joined the ranks of successful SVPs; CQRC added Katy O’Donnell and Randy Leonard to their crack reporting team; tell Freddy Barnes and Jeff Ostermayer you’re sorry that Auburn will drop out of the top 25 this weekend; Uri Friedman rejoins Atlantic from Foreign Policy; Buzzfeed snipes Katherine Miller from Free Beacon; Birthday wishes are due for Bob Costa, Michael Pratt, Alexis Keslinke, Kris Anderson, Angela Greiling, Katey McGettrick, Zeenat Rahman, Amy Walter, Jim Courtovich & Michael Krempasky; Anderson Cooper plays at the Ritz in Georgetown; Jim VandeHei ascends the ranks at POLITICO; Giuliana Rancic does DC; Michelle Quinn moves home to an old friend, San Jose Mercury-News; Happy trails to Adam Goldman, who’s now at WaPo; Andy Shallal for mayor?!; Justice is closer for Omar Sykes; Glenn Greenwald is about to get bigger;


The government is back to work; Who actually worked on Columbus Day…?; #debtceiling + #governmentshutdown = #DCpanic; SEC football reigns supreme; “Ellis the Elephant” turns 3; “Lying treason loving traitor” aka we love this; Cool “Disco” Dan; Sorry, but we hate everything about T-Coast; We missed you, #pandacam; Conflict of Interest at the Top of the Hill; I’m an NSA intern“; “Bitches Who Brunch” go to the Big Apple; NBA’s defending champs visit DC — and the Big 3 love Cafe Milano; #banksy strikes again; Uber hires its first DC lobbying firm; The Lake Shaw Ice Rink; Steakhouse Summit in Arlington; “Blacklist” is the new DC show; Gondola in Georgetown?!?!?!?; Current Boutique launches its e-shop; Was that an alien or a meteor over DMV on Monday night?; Squirrels love M-O’s garden; Eat your bacon, it may help you live longer; DC is safe for trick or treating, apparently;


and, here’s where you can kick it this weekend.

Roundup possible because of Redneck Genius and SP +KC.