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Chris Cillizza said this was the best week ever, tell Sarah Swinehart happy birthday tomorrow, did you know that Brad Dayspring and John Murray were born on the same day?, watch Stoney Burke’s great DC-NYC-DC Tesla adventure, we hear Georgette Spanjich made the list, wish Ashley Wolos a happy birthday, don’t feel too bad if you’re not at SXSW, Twitter engagements, Neal Kirby knows what’s good, pick out the MoC, Chloe Troia will be back in the District soon, Benny Johnson is making moves, safe travels Patrick Onofre, Gillibrand does shots like a boss, congratulations to Louisa and Nathan Imperiale on the birth of Baby Elle, Mike Calvo gets inked up, John Stanton left BuzzFeed for the day, Court Lanio is doing it up right in Breck, say happy birthday to Meg Smith & Brian Lenihan, happy anniversary to Eric and Laura Nedd and Ryan and Karen Howell, we got to drink with Chef Eric at Ted’s BULLETIN, Jessica Sidman, Alex Rudansky & Pete Sanborn are following us on Twitter and here’s where you can kick it this weekend.