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We’ve found your keys, Arthur Bochner celebrated his birth on Wednesday, Jeremy Art is in London and still tweeting, who had a better week: Chuck Hagel or Bob Menendez?, February is here, Pete Snyder continues to blaze a trail on the campaign, Sery Kim hit the airwaves for the first time, Strategic Action featuring Stuart Roy, Richard Ades and Blain Rethmeier is officially open for business, tell your developer friends that this is a great job, Ty Segall rocked DC, Vaughn and Natalie Jennings are moved into their new place, be on the lookout for our new writers, get ready for restaurant week, tell Ward Baker, Shelly Carson, Brad Dayspring, Kevin McLaughlin, Mark McLaughlin and Megan Sowards congratulations on their new gigs with the NRSC, WMATA is terrifying, Ericka Anderson loves running, be sure to tell Reid Wilson happy birthday tomorrow – or maybe it is already today in Australia?, Don Seymour always working, we are jealous of everyone down in Key West for the Public Affairs Council Grassroots Conference, get out there and change the game this weekend, and Lisa Marie Boothe & Rebecca Mark are celebrating birthdays on Sunday, a list of DC reality TV shows, Hetty Crist, Chris Todd & Amy Graham are following us on Twitter.