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The female members of the media beat the female Members of Congress in softball #ninjafocus, Drake partied at Eden without breaking any bottles, Sage Steele & Jalen Rose, tell Joel Hannahs congrats on his new gig with the House Small Business Committee, meet Jill Gerber, happy belated birthday to Jessica Boulanger, Andrew Foxwell hit 50 on Klout, Ted Prill had his one moment of fame on the golf course and then started shooting 11 over, SMCDC rocked the Overlook, how to spot a TMItern, Josh Funk breaks it down, Rebecca Gale gets literary, John Stanton kicks it on over to BuzzFeed, the metro is still awful, Sean Evins broke Twitter yesterday, the heat is on, Good luck to Clay Sutton as you make the trek to New Mexico for Victory, stay famous, if you are going to a bachelorette party this weekend, please be on your best behavior, Brad Dayspring wore a snazzy tie on TV today, good luck to Kyle Downey as he heads off for Tampa, do you have your three plans ready for SCOTUS decision? Karen Klein will never have to ride the bus again, Nick Holt and Mark Snead had a pretty sweet reporting assignment, even DC is not safe from the Kardashians, Georgette Spanjich, Caroline Moore, Emily Daniels, Cappy Surette and Miranda Green are following us on Twitter, and here’s where you can party on through the weekend!