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Majority Leader Eric Cantor just released a game-changing new application called Citizen Co-Sponsor Project.

Citizen CoSponsor will enable users to follow legislation they’re interested in. The application allows you to easily co-sponsor legislation and receive first-hand information and updates on the status of the bill as it moves through the legislative process.

From Mashable:

The platform is built on Facebook’s Open Graph, which lets developers create apps that seamlessly integrate into Facebook users’ news feeds and Timelines. Funding for the project came from directly from Rep. Cantor’s office.

Matt Lira, director of new media for Rep. Cantor, says the idea was sparked after Facebook launched Open Graph and the first apps to make use of it were released.

“We saw examples of its usage with The Washington Post’s Social Reader and Spotify and we said, ‘woah, we probably can’t do things as cool as they do, but there’s probably a nugget of an idea there we could use,’” says Lira.

Cantor’s office intends the platform to create more engagement between voters and government.

Congrats to Matt Lira, who continues to trail blaze in the legislative digital space.