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Thank you to everyone for the kind words about the FamousDC Journo Board Game.

Although we are yet to hear from Hasbro, the buzz this week was strong.

Mike Allen’s POLITICO Playbook:

DESSERT — “WASHINGTON JOURNO ADVENTURE,” a board game from FamousDC: “FIRST CABLE NEWS HIT! Move forward two spaces and update Facebook profile … WRITE STORY FOR DRUDGE LINK, FAIL TO GET DRUDGE LINK: Move back two spaces … EMAIL WITH BACK-BENCH CONGRESSMAN: Move forward two spaces … SHOW UP LATE FOR C-SPAN: Lose a turn … PLAYBOOK MENTION! Move forward one space.” http://bit.ly/nqDozG

Poynter’s Julia Moos:

Beltway blog staging.famousdc.com has created a “Washington Journo Adventure” board game — kind of like Candyland, but with C-SPAN in place of Gumdrop Mountain.

How to skip ahead:

“Get nothing damning back from your FOIA request, write story anyway” —move forward four spaces.
“Start dating Hill flack, keep it strictly professional” — move forward two spaces.
“Playbook mention” — move forward one space.

How to fall behind:

“Write a story for a Drudge link, fail to get a Drudge link” — move back two spaces.
“Post on Facebook about your MSNBC hit not once, but twice” — move back four spaces.
“HuffPost Hill mention” — move back one space.


‘HUFFPOST HILL MENTION! MOVE BACK ONE SPACE’ – FamousDC published their “Washington Journo Adventure” board game today. The reporter-centric game traces the career development of a typical DC journo (“Lede contains four different sports metaphors: Piss off editor, move back two spaces,” etc). HuffPost Hill contributed, along with some other undoubtedly disgruntled DC journos. Make sure you avoid a HuffPost Hill or Playbook mention: It’s even more of a black hole than an administration job. [FamousDC]

 The Atlantic’s Chris Good: Picture of the Day: The D.C. Journalist Board Game

Thanks to FamousDC, a blog dedicated to the quirks of Washington media, you too can play the game of Beltway journalism.

Can you climb to the top of D.C. media celebrity, building your career on a mountain of Drudge hits and influential retweets? Can you survive getting yelled at by flacks and burned by sources, drowning your sorrows at the Capitol Hill bar Kelly’s Irish Times?

Aspiring political journalists should probably play a round or two before embarking on the real adventure. The game asks up front: “Can you make it as a DC journalist, while keeping your dignity intact?” If anyone knows the answer, please contact me immediately at [email protected].

Image credit: FamousDC