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In 1967 the Hawk and Dove opened its doors – as of today, it’s been sold.

The Hawk and Dove has been sold. And with that, a forty-four year run by Stuart Long has come to a close. He once said “I just want to run joints” and he has done just that , and done it brilliantly. The iconic Pennsylvania Avenue local saloon and political salon was opened because there was nothing like it in the neighborhood, and there was a need. It was the start of Long’s highly successful career as a restaurateur and real estate investor. And it’s been part of history ever since.

And what’s to come of the Hawk?

The new face of the Hawk is Xavier Cervera, another impresario of Capitol Hill eateries, The Hawk will join the Chesapeake Room, Senart’s Oyster and Chop House, Molly Malone’s, Lola’s and a host of other in-the-works establishments in Cervera’s portfolio. He waxes enthusiastic about his plans (closing in October and re-opening in about six months), and has not only purchased the name, but a good deal of the memorabilia (including the clock, some wall sconces and photographs) which will be returned to the walls. But he adds that it will be a “100% renovation.” He will open three heretofore hidden fireplaces, and plans to panel the walls and bar with the 30,000 pounds of dark mahogany he has already purchased. As for the exterior, he has consulted with Nancy Metzger of the Capitol Hill Restoration Society, and the Historic Preservation Office, for their advice prior to a September 6th CHRS hearing, and looks forward to the façade being an asset to the Avenue.

Read the entire article.

h/t Andrew Foxwell