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Since the shuttle program is coming to an end, what is NASA going to do with their time and expertise? How about solving some problems here in the nation’s capital?

We have a few suggestions of our own.

  • If they can put a man on the moon and throw multi-national slumber parties in orbit, we’re sure they could figure how to get the escalators in the metro stations to work for more than an hour a month.
  • If they can design and control a remote control car that runs on Mars, surely they could help install credit card machines in DC area cabs.
  • If they can figure out how let astronauts comfortably and discretely vacate their bowels in the cramped quarters of a space station, perhaps they can figure out how to prevent Adam’s Morgan from smelling like a urinal from the hours of 12am till 2am.
  • If they can get the International Space Station’s odometer to read more than 1.5 billion statute miles, they could probably figure out how to teach DC residents how to drive in the rain.

Do you have any suggestions? We’d love to add them to our list. Submit below and use #NASADC on twitter.