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The Girl Scouts of the USA is leading the charge to promote healthy and positive images of women and girls in the media… and they’ve got some star power behind their efforts.

On Wednesday, April 27th, Academy Award winning actress Geena Davis and former FCC commissioner Deborah Taylor Tate are joining the Girl Scouts of the USA, the National Association of Broadcasters, the National Cable and Telecommunications Association and The Creative Coalition to launch Healthy MEdia: Commission for Positive Images of Women and Girls – to kick start a National Conversation about the issue.

Join Geena and Debi – along with teenage Girl Scouts – for a free discussion about how the media portrays women and girls.  And yes, there WILL be Girl Scout cookies!

April 27, 2011

2:00 – 3:30 p.m.

National Association of Broadcasters

1771 N Street NW

Washington DC, 20036

RSVP advocacy@girlscouts.org
Press Questions? Jill Bader jbader@girlscouts.org